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FREE Live workshop

Have More Fun, More Connection: Thriving After Quitting Alcohol





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A soberholic is a new kind of sober: smarter, freer, a builder, a contributor

Soberholics stay thirsty for a vibrant life

Soberholics surrender addiction and are unashamed of the past

Soberholics start from where we are and build lives based in clarity and of sober mind

Soberholics have daily purpose and are in action in the world

Soberholics unleash hidden gifts and unfold a new life of beauty, contribution and love

Soberholics build relationships of trust, team work and camaraderie

Soberholics create value in families, community and the world

Soberholics are stacking days

I am a soberholic

My name is Kristen DeChambeau.

I am part of a group of sober people who are building lives of contribution and value.

We had a problem with alcohol and substances and didn’t stay stuck in the past as a constant reminder of who we use to be. We don’t regret our past and we commit to moving forward. We know there is a life build after being just 1 day sober. We don’t let them remind us that we were trapped by addiction.

Because we are fighting societal norms and culture we have to do things differently. We have to do things smarter and can’t skip a day of being a sober. We identify our purpose daily and take actions to create value in our lives, family and community. We rely on our camaraderie and teamwork for success.

If you ask the everyday person in society they would tell you what we are doing is not fun, it's impossible, and they don’t understand. Yet here we are, sober, healthy, free and building beautiful lives of contribution and liveliness. We are alive in our sobriety.  We stay thirsty for life. Every. Single. Day.